Register for your class through MindBody Online, just as you would normally book a class with your existing class package.
Please make sure you are registering for a “Livestream” class on the schedule.
If you are unable to log in to your account please email and we'll assist you.
Approximately 30 minutes before class you will receive an email from Please check your spam account if you do not see this email in your inbox.
Please make sure to reach out to the front desk 15 minutes before the start of class if you have not received a link.
REMEMBER, If you are in a different time zone, you will receive the email based on Arizona time (MST), not based on the current time zone you are in. Arizona does not recognize daylight savings.
INTERNET STREAMING TIPS: A poor internet connection will make your class blurry, buffer, or cause other issues. There are many causes of a poor internet connection, but the most common is too many devices using your network. f you have other devices or people (kids!) using your internet, you should boot them off!

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